Friday, October 12, 2012

Good Night....

Wow, I don't think I've been so excited about a new project like I've been about ATC's and Art Tiles. I know they've been around forever and I'm just getting on the wagon with this but I can't help's new to me! LOL! You know that feeling that you get when you first start something...embark on a new project for the 1st time? Well, that was me today, and a matter a fact, it started Wednesday night...who am I kidding...LOL! But I'm all tiled out and atc'd out now...I'm done with my challenge and I might just keep the last few tiles as pieces of genuine emphemera to hand down to my kids! Who knows...maybe they'll be the "vintage" pieces of the future! Okay so with all that said I'm going to bed now and I hope you all have a rest of a good evening/night okay...God Bless you all and I'll will, with the Lords' Will, speak/blog to you all tomorrow....Until Then....

Love Laura I. Gonzalez

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